Navigating Reverse Charge VAT on EU Purchases (2024 guide)

Woman with blonde hair with white blouse and suit jacket listening to advice on Reverse Charge taxes at London accountancy

Our team in our Mayfair office providing helpful tax advice on Reverse Charges

‘Reverse charge’ refers to the VAT you are required to pay when you buy goods or services from suppliers in other countries. Reverse Charge applies to goods and services imported into Great Britain from outside the UK or from outside the EU to Northern Ireland. As tax law can be a complicated area with certain pitfalls, especially if you are a small business, we’ve put together this up-to-date guide at Sampson Fielding in Mayfair, London: we are a team of chartered accountants and business advisors (with specialists in tax law), so this overview of Reverse Charge VAT on EU purchases is designed to help you take steps confidently in your business.

Introduction to Reverse Charge VAT on Purchases from the EU

Value Added Tax (VAT) is a complex topic that often leaves businesses scratching their heads. When it comes to international transactions, the waters become even murkier. If your business purchases goods or services from the European Union (EU), you may have heard about the concept of "reverse charge VAT." In this blog post, we will demystify the reverse charge VAT mechanism and provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how it works when dealing with EU suppliers.

What is Reverse Charge VAT in simple terms?

Reverse charge VAT is a tax collection mechanism that shifts the responsibility of paying VAT from the supplier to the recipient of the goods or services. In other words, instead of the supplier charging and collecting VAT from the buyer, the buyer calculates and remits the VAT directly to HMRC. This mechanism is typically employed for cross-border transactions and is aimed at simplifying the VAT process and reducing the risk of tax fraud.

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Founders Elliot and Ben in between meetings at our accountancy practice in Mayfair, London

What are the Basics of Reverse Charge VAT on EU Purchases?

The following are the key elements of Reverse Charge VAT on EU purchases, falling into four main headings:

1. Applicability

Reverse charge VAT on purchases from the EU is primarily relevant for businesses that are registered for VAT. It generally applies to business-to-business (B2B) transactions involving goods and services within the EU.

2. VAT Identification

Both the buyer and the supplier must be VAT-registered entities. The supplier must provide their VAT identification number to the buyer, and the buyer must verify its validity. Failure to do so may result in the standard VAT rules being applied.

3. Invoicing

Invoices must clearly state that the reverse charge mechanism is being applied. This helps tax authorities and both parties involved in the transaction identify that the recipient, not the supplier, is responsible for the VAT.

4. Reporting

The buyer is responsible for reporting the reverse charge VAT on their VAT return. They will account for both the input VAT (VAT on purchases) and the output VAT (VAT on sales) in their periodic VAT return.

Are there any advantages to Reverse Charge VAT?

Thankfully HMRC’s tax rules are not all bad news, so here are three upsides of Reverse Charge VAT on EU purchases worth knowing about:

1. Reduced Administrative Burden

Reverse charge VAT simplifies the VAT process for both buyers and suppliers. Suppliers do not need to worry about charging and remitting VAT, while buyers can claim input VAT as a credit.

2. Reduced Risk of Tax Fraud

By shifting the responsibility to the buyer, tax authorities can better track and control VAT payments, reducing the risk of tax evasion and fraud.

3. Cash Flow Benefits

Businesses can often benefit from improved cash flow since they do not pay VAT upfront to the supplier. Instead, they account for it in their VAT return.

Woman in white top and fawn trousers sitting at a laptop with a man on a phone in background at a London accountancy practice

Our team of expert tax advisors helping clients navigate the considerations of Reverse Charges


What are the challenges and considerations of Reverse Charge VAT on EU purchases?

While reverse charge VAT can offer several advantages, businesses must also be aware of potential challenges and considerations:

1. Compliance

Navigating the complex landscape of VAT rules across EU member states can be challenging. Staying compliant with various regulations requires diligence and expertise.

2. Administrative Burden

While reverse charge simplifies the process in some ways, it can also place an administrative burden on businesses, as they need to accurately report and remit VAT.

Anything else I need to know about about Reverse Charge VAT on EU purchases?

Reverse charge VAT on purchases from the EU is a mechanism designed to simplify the tax collection process and reduce the risk of tax fraud in cross-border transactions.  Sampson Fielding can help your business navigate the complexities of reverse charge VAT effectively and ensure compliance with tax regulations.

Further reading on payments on Reverse Charge VAT on EU purchases

Lyndsay Pester

Lyndsay qualified as a Chartered Accountant in at Sampson West in 2003, leaving after qualifying to work at a private equity firm.  Returning to Sampson West, Lyndsay provided audit and accountancy services to small and medium-sized firms and was made Partner in 2017.  Lyndsay enjoys working with owner-managed businesses, and getting to know the people behind the numbers.


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